
Project Brief

Gitea is a painless, self-hosted, all-in-one software development service. It includes Git hosting, code review, team collaboration, package registry, and CI/CD. It is similar to GitHub, Bitbucket and GitLab.

Private, Fast, Reliable DevOps Platform

Code Hosting: Gitea enables the creation and management of repositories based on Git. It also makes code review incredibly easy and convenient, enhancing code quality for users and businesses

CI/CD: Gitea features an integrated CI/CD system, Gitea Actions, that is compatible with GitHub Actions. Users can create workflows using the familiar YAML format or utilize over 20K existing plugins

Projects: You can efficiently manages requirements, features and bugs through issue tasks, labeling and kanban boards. These tools help plan and track the progress of your development by incorporating branches, tags, milestones, assignments, time tracking and dependencies

Gitea supports more than 20 different kinds of public or private package management, including: Cargo, Chef, Composer, Conan, Conda, Container, Helm, Maven, npm, NuGet, Pub, PyPI, RubyGems, Vagrant, etc


- UI/UX for website;
- Marketing materials design;
- Exhibition planning and venue management;

Pictures of Project Design
